Life and stuff,  Recent posts....,  Style

Why I have no regrets about going blonde

 Life these past two weeks has smacked me in the face. It does that sometimes. I made the decision one night to box dye my hair, expecting to get salon results, and low and behold that did not happen. My hair managed to be saved thankfully at the salon. Then just a few short days later I found out my grandfather passed away unexpectedly. It feels strange placing these two events next to each other, but it is what happened. This post is not going to be sad though, because my Poppy was not a sad man. He was loud, outspoken, loving and a hilariously inappropriate man and this post is for him. I love you Poppy.


Just do it

I’m not talking about the Nike slogan, I’m talking about that thing you’ve been thinking of doing for a long time. Whether it’s traveling somewhere new, asking that special person out on a date, or dying your hair, just do it.

After recently deciding to dye my hair I realized how grateful I am for the person I have become. Just a few years ago I would have been too insecure to make this bold of a move from going a brunette to a platinum blonde in one sitting. Today however I could care less.

Hair is hair, and while you want to take care of it to the best of your ability, it’s okay to take some risks with it. Same goes with your wardrobe, makeup or anything else in your life. Stop being scared and simply go for it, because you never know how long you have and I’d rather spend every moment living like it’s my last than let myself be the passenger in my own life.


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Overalls from Zara and an old top from Oohlaluxe


My Poppy this past Hanukkah gifted me Megan Kelly’s book Settle for More (I loved it and think it is a great read for both young women and men). I was hesitant to read it at first, but he wrote a heartfelt note letting me know he had read it and why exactly he felt I should. He told me he always wanted me to settle for more and that’s exactly what I want for each of you.

Even though looks can be a trivial thing, they are a huge part of where we get our confidence and personality from. So it can be scary to make a big decision, like dying ones hair, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it. Take your time, think it over and if you still want to do it then go for it. Who you are will not change just by one simple risk. All you have to gain is to benefit from the experience.

This is a sappier post than most, but I want each of my readers to be reminded of how awesome they are and how short life truly is. Simply be brave and take a risk! If you have any questions or concerns let me know and I promise to get back to you. Also do me a favor and call your family to let them know how much you love them.

Sweater from Oohlaluxe

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Looks I’m in to

Welcome to The Wine Style, my name is Mikayla. I am a California born and North Carolina raised twenty-something with a passion for wine and style. After graduating college, I moved back to California and have been working in wine ever since. I hope my blog inspires you to step out of your comfort zone and try a new wine or different style you may never have thought of before. I also promise to keep my picks affordable because wine and fashion doesn’t have to break the bank. The Wine Style is also a place for your voice to be heard and to connect with others so always choose to be brave and post any comments or questions you may have and feel free to reach out with any inquiries.


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